Friday, 14 November 2014

Collagen Smoothie - Skin and Tissue Repair

I will be sharing one of my routine beauty drinks, but it is not only for your skin, it's also great for your GI health. It's not like I was keeping this from you guys. If you followed me on my previous blog breakfast-brunchangout (which I can't access any more, let this be a lesson to you all who don't save hard copy of passwords). You will know I am all about boosting collagen production.

Copyrights to images reserved Alicia Lewis @ KitchenTakeovers

Now most people will only know of collagen for the benefits of elasticity and plumpness it gives to the skin. But it does so much more. Collagen is a protein found in the body, and form part of the connective tissue for bones, muscles, cartilage, arthritis and organs in the body. So yes, it is important, and as the human body age collagen production reduces significantly. By drinking collagen you are basically off setting some of the collagen loss that is naturally occurring.

Copyrights to images reserved Alicia Lewis @ KitchenTakeovers

The amino acids  in collagen could help enhance the body's collagen production and aid in strengthening the dermis of the skin. It may even help in the skins ability to retain moisture and appear more plump; especially when used in conjunction with hyaluronic acid. Its effects doesn't  stop there, collagen may even reduce the discomfort associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. There is some evidence that it has the potential increase joint mobility, with less joint pain caused by physical activity.

I have one tablespoon of collagen most mornings in orange juice, (collagen needs vitamin C for production), other times I will have it in a smoothie like the one below. Some recommend having it on an empty stomach, and there is no harm in this - so whatever works for you. Having it before bed might also be a good option because the cells go through regeneration during deep sleep.

Copyrights to images reserved Alicia Lewis @ KitchenTakeovers

This smoothie isn't just helping your skin from the inside out, it is helping the digestive system. The psyllium husk I use also have good bacteria, but you could open a pro-biotic capsule and use that. Thus aiding the replenishment of healthy gut flora, at the same time the fibre acts as a brush, sweeping away the rubbish sticking to the colon. It will also help in making you fuller for longer too. Aloe vera juice has vitamins and minerals and also aid in skin and gut health, amongst others. 

Copyrights to images reserved Alicia Lewis @ KitchenTakeovers

Spinach and beetroot giving lots of micro and phytonutrients (see this for more on what these can do).  The medium chained fatty acids in the coconut cream/milk are easily digested and used by the body more efficiently. Protein for repair and building new tissue and muscle growth.

I could go on about the great ingredients and health benefits of this meal in a drink, but I have other kitchen experiments to get on with. I will just leave it with you to make and enjoy, knowing that I am sharing one of my kitchen beauty secrets with you all. 

Copyrights to images reserved Alicia Lewis @ KitchenTakeovers

# You can be forgiven for thinking this gorgeous chocolate looking drink had 'chocolate', but honest it hasn't. The colour is purely down to the awesome chemical reactions going on between the beetroot, spinach and other ingredients. Don't you just love chemistry in the kitchen?#

-Let's get started-

Beautifying Collagen Smoothie

single serving

Copyrights to images reserved Alicia Lewis @ KitchenTakeovers

#As with all recipes on this blog unless otherwise stated they are my own; be kind enough to, link back to original, make, share and highlight - happy sharing #

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth. I stopped whilst there were still bits of the beetroot because I like to chew on it. 


Bon Appétit!!

Copyrights to images reserved Alicia Lewis @ KitchenTakeovers

You could make this into a naughty dessert if you wish, by topping it with a spoonful of ice-cream and crumpled oero...shhhhhh don't tell anyone x

***Disclaimer: Any of the information within this blog post and others on this site is for information and educational purposes only and is NOT intended to be taken as diagnosis, treatment, cure or  to prevent any disease. Any reader concerned about his or her health is advised to seek medical advice from their GP or relevant medical professional***

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